Friday, May 11, 2012

Re: Re: Sexting

 In AJ's vlog about “sexting” becoming against the law he says that he “can't believe that our government is passing laws about common sense” and I agree that it must be really bad times when the government feels like they have to do this but I am not surprised that they are. And really why should anyone be?  There are many laws that might seem like “common sense” but plenty of people break them all the time, such as driving under the influence or like he stated, someone murdering someone.
 I'm not sure it's fair to put all the blame on the parents, kids are called kids for a reason. They sometimes act, lets say, really unintelligently and what do you expect? They are 14 and 15 years old and sometimes younger. Most people that age don't want to listen to their parents no matter how hard the parents try. Part of the whole experience of being that age is making stupid mistakes, only in this day and age stupid little mistakes can really come back and haunt you more so than any other time. And his argument that teens should be thinking through their actions seems like a reasonable argument but a majority of teens don't think through a thing, why would they think through taking a quick picture and hitting the “send” button when they see their friends and celebrities doing it and people still buying their music, movies and so forth.
 This whole “sexting” thing is a new problem and I see this law as the government trying to find a way to assert some kind of control over the new technologies that are developing so quickly and trying to protect minors. I don't think it's a bad idea either, if it can deter even a few children away from sending naked pictures of themselves to someone it can't be a bad thing. I see it as kind of a reinforcement even if it is a “scare tactic”. If they get caught doing it, they will be held accountable and perhaps they will tell their friends that it's not such a good idea.
 I do think it's stupid for kids to being doing this but I don't think this law has a negative impact on anything and hopefully it will cause some people to think twice before they consider “sexting”.

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